A big banner photo showing the Re-design Albert project

Re-design Albert Project


UX Designer


Feb. 2023 - Apr. 2023


Figma, Miro, Google Workspace


Albert is the course registration system for New York University (NYU) undergrad and graduate students. The registration process for NYU's Albert is notoriously tricky. Current students typically cite a complicated registration process and unintuitive interface as reasons why. Also, information on Albert is so broken that students usually need to resort to other resources for enrolling in courses.


By redesigning some parts of NYU Albert based on students’ responses, I’d like to make the interface more intuitive and the registration process simple. With the new “my course” feature, students will be able to find information about their requirements and plan their courses directly on Albert.



To better understand how people feel about the current NYU Albert system, I conducted a semi-structured interview with 5 participants. They are current NYU graduate students from different departments.

Affinity mapping about the interview resultSee affinity mapping


In order to distill the user pain points from the interview, I created the survey for any current NYU students. They are either undergrad or graduate students from different departments.

See survey questions

Key Findings

After the interview and the survey, here are some key findings and insights:

Course Requirements
Students need to know the course requirements for registration.
Show mandatory and elective courses/ Provide a course planner
Course Search Filters
The course search filters are unhelpful.
Change the course search filters and make them useful
Course Registration
It takes too many steps to enroll in the courses.
Decrease steps to enroll in the courses
Students find downloading the schedule unhelpful.
Ask more about the reasons why
Students understand almost all terms used in Albert.
Change the terms to make them more intuitive.

Prioritization Plotting

Based on the insights, I plot a list of possible features onto a graph to help narrow down what are crucial elements for change. Three high-priority changes are to show the requirements courses on Albert, revamp the course search filters, and decrease the course registration steps.

A photo showing which features are needed to be prioritized


From research, I find students are most frustrated about not showing course requirements, the course search, and the course registration process.

How might we

improve Albert’s experience in providing course requirements and changing the course search and the registration process?


Design Criteria

I boil down the findings into 3 design criteria: customizability, clarity, and smoothness.

With a database of students’ compulsory and elective courses, they can plan their courses without referring to other materials.
More helpful and easy-to-understand filters for users to search their intended courses.
By eliminating unnecessary steps, the new design can ensure users reach their goals with ease.

Our Users

Based on the research, I generate 2 personas based on the insights.

Persona photo whose name is Lindsey. And she is a NYU first semester graduate student.
I hope to search my intended courses more easily with a helpful filter. Also, the registration steps should be decreased to make the process more smooth.
“I don’t think people use that filter to search for courses. It’s so hard to use!”
“It’s so confusing that we need to do multiple steps to enroll in the courses.”
Persona photo whose name is Kyle. And he is a NYU 2nd semester graduate student.
Albert can show my lists of compulsory and elective courses so that I don’t need to resort to other resources or consult my academic advisors.
“I want to see my available courses before consulting my advisor.”
“I wish to know the compulsory and elective courses on the registration page so I won't miss any courses”

User Journey Map

The user journey map is created according to the personas:

A user journey map showing persona's different actions and feelings.



I did some sketches to develop my ideas for the Albert website redesign.

A photo of sketches about Albert interfaceA photo of sketches about Albert interface

Style Guide

My focus on Albert is clean and follows the original design system. The color scheme is the same as the current Albert.

A styke guide of the re-design Albert including colors, typography, and components

High Fidelity Wireframe

my course

High fidelity wireframes about my course feature

course Search filters

High fidelity wireframes about course search filters

Enroll process

High fidelity wireframes about enroll process


User Testing

In order to test our product, I conducted user observations, think-aloud protocols, surveys, and interviews with 5 participants who are current NYU graduate students. Here is the overview of the research process:

1. Provides a brief overview of the study and procedure: go through the redesign, a follow-up interview, and a survey. Informs the participant the whole process will be recorded.
2. Invites the participants to practice the think-aloud activity by enrolling in one of their classes at NYU Albert. Encourages the participants to think out loud.
3. Provides the prompts for the participants to accomplish the tasks and observes his/her behaviors while doing.
4. After the testing, asks 5 interview questions about the redesigned prototype.
5. Stops recording. Thanks to the participants and ask them to do the survey.
See detailed testing plan

Design Iterations

After the interview, I made some changes in my design based on the users’ feedback.


Firstly, I changed the place of “my course” from the top to the left to make it more visible since 4 out of 5 users couldn’t find it. Secondly, I identified the meaning of the green circle, orange triangle, and red cross as enrolled, waitlist, and failed. This identification is to solve the issue that 3 out of 5 users are confused with the status.
Design iteration of the homepage

course search filters

I deleted the search bar on top of the course since it serves the same function as the main search bar on top. Also, I added the shortcuts of my department’s courses and my favorite courses to match the heuristic: flexibility and efficiency of use.
Design iteration of the course search filters

my course

4 out of 5 users don’t understand the meaning of to-do, doing, and done in the checklist box until they see the explanation on the top. The purpose of “my checklist” is to let users keep track of their course progress and plan their courses. To serve the same function, I provide a course planner and a course process report in the “courses” section. Also, the highlight of done and in progress on the card shows the course status directly. Lastly, the onboarding of “my course” would be shown after clicking “help”.
Design iteration of my course feature

Latest Prototype

Final Design & Rationales

My solution focuses on revamping (1) academics (2) course search filters and (3) course registration process on the current Albert

my course as new feature

Students can’t see their mandatory and elective courses in the current Albert. They need to resort to the departments’ resources. Hence, I added a “my course” feature to allow students to find their courses on Albert. Also, they can use the course planner to schedule courses.
Final design of my course

More Helpful Course search filters

Students seldom use the course filters in the current Albert due to their complexity. I revamped the course filters and added shortcuts to make them more helpful.
Final design of course search filters

Decrease steps of Course Registration Process

The current registration process needs to go through multiple steps. Currently, Albert requires 4 steps to enroll in the course. Users must put the course into the shopping cart first and then enroll in it. As for the redesign Albert, users can enroll in the course in only 2 steps. I decreased the steps to make registration smooth. Students can enroll in the course directly without adding it to the shopping cart first.
Final design of course registration process


Suggest to NYU Information Technology

NYU Information Technology (IT) is the organization that is in charge of Albert. After showing the project to some professors and doing a few more iterations, I may suggest the design to NYU IT to take my idea.

Revamp Albert Layout

From the interviews and the open-ended question in the survey, people suggest Albert need a more beautiful layout and interface. Current Albert seems a bit bland and looks just like a wireframe. Some colors and designs may be necessary to make the interface more attractive.

A Fun Dictionary Experience
A right blue arrow which you can click to learn more